SEO Acuity is a boutique Austin SEO firm that get’s results fast. Our small team of organic search engine optimization specialists are experts in each of their fields and each one at the direction of Paul knows exactly what to do.
While our team takes no prisoners they use only white hat organic techniques to achieve their results.
If you allow our team to do their work and that means implementing everything we believe needs to be done to achieve top ranking for the chosen keyword phrases you will achieve them.
I repeat if we are allowed to do all we need to do we will get you to the top of the front page of Google, et al.
Our Austin SEO firm has seen and knows all the tricks, white hat, black hat, grey hat, and just plain stupid hat. We prefer to do only white hat SEO as we believe that is best for any long term strategy.
We don’t have high pressure sales people. You deal directly with the people that do the SEO. Most of our business comes word of mouth and because of that we are busy and it may take up to two weeks to start your project depending on what we have on our plate..
The hallmark of our work is once we get a client to the front page for their terms they rarely if ever need us again. The only caveat to that is if the client has their web site redesigned buy a web designer that doesn’t know or understand site architecture for the search engines. Sadly we see this happen every once in a while even after educating the client on how important site architecture is to SEO.